What was the מן (Manna bread) actually like? Was it aesthetically
beautiful with superb taste, as described by the Torah, or was it ‘dry and
rotten’ as described by the מתאוננים (complainers)?
A possible answer could be found in the Midrash
that states the מן
had no taste of its own, rather, tasted like whatever the person eating it, wished
it to.
To the מתאוננים, the מן indeed tasted
like dry and rotten bread but only because they wished it to. Why would someone
choose a rotten מן
over a delicious one?
The מתאוננים thought happiness and contentment are dependent on
the material things they felt were lacking in their lives, when in truth,
happiness isn't something that happens to you, it is something you must choose.
This idea is especially relevant in today’s
consumer culture. Day and night we are bombarded with false promises of
happiness. “Don’t these people look happy? It’s because they just bought this
shiny new product. Buy it, and you will be happy, too!”. It seems, though, that
the more people chase this form of happiness – the more it eludes them.
Some of the poorest countries on earth are known
to have the lowest levels of depression and many of the wealthiest countries –
the highest. This could be attributed, among other things, to the fact that in
those poorer countries, people have no choice but to look internally for a
source of happiness. Similarly, we are all familiar with individuals who,
despite ‘having it all’, never seem happy while others, who have suffered loss,
illness or financial constraints are happy and positive about life. That is
because happiness is not an objective state of being. It is a state of mind.
How does one choose happiness? That is a matter
for a different post but first one should acknowledge that it is completely
dependent on their choice; nothing else.
Repeat with me: “Happiness isn't something that
happens to me. It is something I need to choose”.
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