“Dinah, the daughter of Leah…
went out to look about among the daughters of the land”. The Psukim continue to
describe how Dina was taken by Shechem to his house and the unfortunate events
that followed.
Chazal offer a puzzling
explanation to as why this happened. Before meeting Esav, Yakov hid Dina in a
chest “He put her into a chest and locked her in, so that Esav should not set
eyes on her. Therefore, Yakov was punished for withholding her from his
brother- [because had he married her,] perhaps she would cause him to improve
his ways-and she fell into the hands of Shechem” (Rashi).
What is the connection between
Yakov’s natural instinct, to protect his daughter from harmful influences and
the fact that later on she is taken by Shechem?
Chazal put into the Midrash a
very instructive lesson in Chinuch. Yakov hoped that by hiding Dina from the
world – she would be protected. But that proved to be only a temporary solution
because eventually, Dina did encounter the outside world with all of its
influences and was unprepared for it.
No matter how high we build our
walls, eventually, our children will make it to the other side and it is our
obligation to make sure they are prepared for that challenge; that they
understand what to adopt and what to reject and that they have the tools to do
In today’s world of mass media
and information, with our children exposed – more than we realize – to
violence, vulgarity, immodesty and commercialism on a daily basis we must try
to protect them as best as we can through filters and monitoring but at the
same time we should not fool ourselves that this is sufficient. We need to help
them develop the motivation and ability to decide for themselves what is
positive and consistent with Torah ideals and what is not. This should be done
through personal example, through ongoing conversations and continuing to
supply them with a Chinuch which focuses on moulding not just behaviour but
also character.
Wall building without character
building is doomed to crumble, leaving us unprotected. Character building
without wall building will place us in continuous loosing battle against the
massive forces of the outside world. Wall building gives us the space and time to focus on the most important part of education - character building. May we succeed at both.
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